So naturally being a Hokie, school spirit is a vital part of everyday life. We wear our school colors on a nearly-daily basis, and find all kinds of ways to fly our flags. But of course the tried-and-true t-shirt is a central part of our Hokie pride. So I did a little shopping around and found some of what I consider to be some of the cutest college apparel from around the country.

Ohio State: adorable for us ladies who want a bit more options than a short-sleeve crewneck, and this style is available for a number of schools!

University of Miami: I do love this top, but I have to say if I went here I would love to see some school-spirit bikinis!

NYU: modeled after the NYC subway logo, how could you not find this clever, cute, and identifiably chic?
NC State: When I visited NC State senior year, it was on the college's first day of classes. And yet no one was wearing a bit of State colors! Having been sporting Tech T's since I was probably 3, I found this astounding. Then I went to their bookstores...and it made sense. Sorry, but the shirts were definitely lacking. I'm glad to see they have since been revamped. Love the flattering neckline!
The ol' Maroon and Orange: I mean, who else could I brag on? From the classics to the sporty to the fun and true, I definitely think that VT has the best graphics for their T's out of any school! That last shirt reads: "It's not the size of the Hokie in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the Hokie" Gobble, gobble b*tches! ;)