Here are three tools I wish I could have in my sewing studio:
Lazy-Susan cutting table: I don't even have a cutting table to begin with, I have a 6x6 foot space of floor, so most of the time I'm walking (or ninja-rolling, more like) over all the pieces and fabric in order to get all the right angles for cutting each piece. But cutting on a regular table is no picnic either, especially if it is backed up against a wall, or even worse a corner. But imagine this- you just spin the tabletop to get to that other side to cut out the remaining half of the pattern piece, hassle-free!
Patterns with markings that press onto the fabric: No tracing paper, chalk, no nothing, ever again! Everything just transfers from paper to fabric! I feel like this could really work, maybe with iron-on technology?
Voice-automated sewing machine: Ha, this is one me and my sewing class have talked about. You could just say "sew seam" and it would do it, and if it started to go wrong, you could simply say, "stop messing up!". Makes sense, right? ;)
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