So today I'm in a super good mood because I got to go to the fabric store to get supplies for my next project! I'm making a jacket and dress from a Cynthia Rowley pattern...you will get to see it all when it is done ;)
But this is something that I feel so strongly about: the fabric you use for your design will make or break it. I have seen sooo many designs that start out well but the fabric is too flimsy and makes it look cheap, too fragile and it practically wrecked by the time you sew the final seam, is too stiff and gives you no flow or liquidity, and plenty of other situations as well. Then I have seen other designs that take my breath away because of a pattern or color, or the mixes of texture, or an airy, ethereal quality. More and more I find myself thinking of pursuing a career avenue in textile design, or in the merchandising segment of a company so I can make the seasonal fabric selections.
But let this be a lesson to you: DO NOT compromise on your fabrics! Spend the extra cash, go to another store, or even wait if you can't find "the one". Trust me, it's worth it.
How about an entry about what fabric stores you recommend or ones you would like to go to?