In approximately 6 hours, doors will open for the FMDS "Free the Beat" Fashion Show. And you had better BE THERE!! No joke, you will be sorry if you don't go. I don't think anyone can really imagine how big this is unless they have been to some of the previous shows.
This year LA design company KidDangerous will be selling some of their looks for wholesale, and popular shoe company and activist TOM shoes will be there, premiering a special edition "Free the Beat" shoe available for ordering. Plus we have guest judge Meredith Wendell, a popular accessories designer from NY, and who used to work at Marc by Marc Jacobs, by the way...
In addition, we have an after party to follow downtown (free if you still have your show ticket).
This show is seriously like a piece of NYC plopped down in the middle of Blacksburg. We have a full runway, VIP section, DJ, and last year we had about 1000 people attend.
So seriously...it's legit. And you should be there!
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